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Forbidden Mage: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Untamed Hearts) Page 7

I quickly caught on; that was why Quinn and I were friends. “Yes!” A mischievous smile spread across my lips. “We could really fuck with Sadie and create some very taboo talents for her to master.”

  We all erupted in laughter, leaving Mr. Hughes confused. “What are you talking about?” He turned to me with an inquisitive look on his face. “Our people understood you were here to expose the Cross family. What is this book you are speaking of?”

  Autumn and I exchanged glances. “You don’t know about the Book of Talents?”

  He shook his head vigorously.

  “The Book of Talents has been in my family for centuries.” Autumn’s tone held an air of pride. “It’s why the Cross family has held control over the order for so long. Our bloodlines are strong and we seem to be the most at ease with mastering all of our talents. The book is sacred and must be handled with care. In the wrong hands, it could prove dangerous.”

  He stared at me. “And Sadie has asked you to steal this book?”

  I nodded my head when Nigel interrupted. “She tasked me with stealing it years ago, which I did.” He hung his head shamefully. “It wasn’t until earlier this year that Autumn convinced me to return it.”

  Autumn laughed. “Convinced.” She stood. “I like that.”

  “May I see this book?” Mr. Hughes didn’t seem sold.

  Everyone but me and Quinn shook their heads.

  “No.” Autumn responded in a short tone. “No one may see the Book of Talents except the Cross family.”

  “But I’ve seen it.” Nigel cut in. “It’s real and there is no doubt in my mind that it’s rightful place is here.”

  I couldn’t help but wonder how Autumn changed the demon’s alliance from West Coast to The Order. He was always a shady character in my mind. But he sure was loyal to his mage clan, whichever one he was with for the time being.

  As if reading my mind, Mr. Hughes spoke up. “It’s interesting to me how quickly you shifted your loyalties.”

  Rather than explain, the demon merely laughed. “Oh, it’s easy,” he nodded his head, “I’m sure you can do it too.”

  “Echo.” Her father turned his attention to her. “Is all of this true? Do you know of a plot for Sadie to take over The Order under dishonest circumstances?”

  Echo nodded her head. “Yes, daddy.” She seemed so childlike when her dad was around. “I wouldn’t be willing to give up my family if it wasn’t true.”

  For the next hour, the group of us plotted to create a fake Book of Talents. We decided that Mr. Hughe’s would take the book back to Sadie, leaving Quinn to stay and keep an “eye” on me while I infiltrated. Autumn would fill in the elders, and Mr. Hughes would work on convincing some of his most trusted allies to switch their alliance. Sadie and anyone who remained loyal to her would be brought up on charges within The Order. Autumn seemed prepared for situations like this. In fact, it was almost as though she worked best under such circumstances. Once we finished plotting, everyone fell silent for what felt like hours.

  Mr. Hughes was the first to speak. “Despite our collaboration on this,” he turned to Echo, “I am not saying that I will condone your relationship with Mr. Cross.”

  Echo shook her head. “That’s your choice daddy.” She came up beside me and took my hand. “Troy and I will be together, regardless.”

  Satisfied, and a bit surprised, I leaned in and kissed her. “I won’t let you down.” I whispered in her ear. Suddenly, the only thing on my mind was taking her up to my room.

  The clap of Autumn’s hands brought me back to reality. “Okay,” she motioned toward the door, “everyone go get some sleep. We have the Angel’s Pancake Breakfast in the morning.”

  Puzzled, I looked around at the group. “Pancake Breakfast?”

  Leonardo and Marcus erupted in laughter.

  “Yep.” Savannah chuckled as well. “Get used to it, cousin. The Angels do some crazy shit and we are all expected to take part.”

  I shook my head and headed toward the door.

  “But don’t think this means I trust you yet.” Savannah’s stare bore a hole through me. “I’m watching you.”

  “Great.” I mumbled to myself. Both Leonardo and Marcus were glaring at me too, nodding their heads in agreement. I lowered my head and hurried out the door, eager to get away from them.

  “May I join you?” Echo’s sultry voice bounced off the walls of the hallway.

  I stopped, and without turning, nodded my head. A smile extended across my face.

  The moment the elevator doors closed, I took her into my arms and found her lips with mine. She tasted so sweet. My hands explored her body over her dress. The idea that she wanted me so badly that she was willing to walk away from her family for me intensified the passion I felt toward her. I don’t know that I had ever experienced such feelings with anyone in my life before. By the time we reached my penthouse suite, we were frantically pulling at each other’s clothes. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, unable to contain myself any longer.

  “Is it crazy that I think I’m in love with you?” I found my way to the back of her dress and pulled at the zipper.

  She let out a soft moan. “Not as crazy as me thinking I’m in love with you.” She let her dress fall to the floor, exposing her black lace lingerie.

  A primal groan escaped my lips. I buried my head in her breasts and grabbed her ass with both hands. “I want you now.” My fingers slipped down toward her hole, which was already wet and ready for me. I moaned loudly and unzipped my pants, eager to pull her on top of me.

  My phone rang; it was Sadie. “Damn it.” I muttered.

  Echo let out a heavy sigh. “Answer it.”

  I shook my head and fell back on the bed. “Hello?” Irritation clear in my voice.

  “Why haven’t you called me?” She was so caught up in her own world that she didn’t notice my tone.

  “I was at a ball.” I responded dryly.

  Sadie scoffed. “So you’re out there partying when you’re supposed to be working?”

  I laughed out loud. “No Sadie,” there was no way she could ever be the High Priestess because her intelligence level was low, “you wanted me to infiltrate and that means I had to go to the ball because Autumn Cross made me.” I shook my head. “Besides, the plan is in motion.”

  Sadie was silent for a moment. “Plan? You never called me back to tell me the plan.”

  I looked up at Echo, who was still standing in front of me half naked. “Well, an unexpected visitor caused me to come up with one pretty quick.”

  “Oh?” I could hear the curiosity in Sadie’s voice. “Well, do tell.”

  I lied and told her that Mr. Hughe’s showed up to make sure I was honoring our clan and that he helped me devise a plan. I went on to tell her he would bring back The Book of Talents instead of Quinn.

  “Yes,” she sounded pleased, “that’s a wonderful plan. That way Quinn can stay and, um, help you if you need.” She didn’t know that I knew Quinn was really here to monitor me.

  “I need to get to some sleep.” I was desperate to end the conversation and get back to Echo. “Now I have to go to some ridiculous Pancake Breakfast tomorrow.” I rolled my eyes, truly irritated about the event.

  Sadie laughed and lowered her voice. “I will reward you for your efforts, Troy.”

  I shook my head, mumbled “okay bye”, hung up and threw my phone on the nightstand.

  “Where were we?” I sat back up and pulled Echo’s body to mine, ready to finish what I’d started.

  Chapter 10


  Waking up in Troy’s arms felt right. I belonged with him and being there somehow made me feel like I was finally home. I laid there quietly, replaying the events of the previous day. Maybe I was too quick to forgive him; to trust him. But when my gut told me to question him, I did, and when it told me to forgive him; I did. It seemed like betrayal was the way to start relationships around here. I giggled softly.

  “Mmm.” Troy pulled me tighter
against him. “You’re already awake?”

  I patted his arm. “Pancake Breakfast, remember?”

  He let out a groan, causing me to giggle. “What’s with these angels?”

  I continued giggling and turned my head to kiss him. “This is what it’s like in the Cross world.” For a moment, panic swept through me. “Are you going to be okay with that?”

  He chuckled softly. “If it means I get to be with you,” he pulled tight again, “I’ll learn to love it.”

  My body relaxed against his and I moaned softly. “You don’t have to love it, just endure it.”

  Together, we took to the shower. Though, there was more love making than actual cleaning. Happiness engulfed me. I never thought I would have anything more than random hookups with Roman Mounts. I thought back to the night of Savannah’s wedding and how I determined I was destined to be alone. Even then, my gut told me that Troy Cross was more than just a one-night stand. Autumn was right, my gut was my strongest talent, and I was set on listening to it more.

  “Is this the last of the angel events for a while?” Troy raised an eyebrow as he dried himself off.

  I winked and threw my towel at him. “Angel events, yes.”

  He hunched over and let out a groan. “Angel events? Meaning there are other events?”

  My laughter filled the room. “There're solstices, equinox’s, and other various things that come up.” I could tell by his eyes that he was more curious than upset. “You live in a hotel, Troy. It’s like Monopoly in actual life. You’ll see the fun in it, eventually.”

  He chuckled and pulled on a pair of tight-fitting jeans. “That’s one hell of an analogy.”

  I shrugged my shoulders and checked my phone. I had missed calls from my sister, Savannah, and surprisingly, Sadie. “Hmm.” I stared at the screen, wondering if I dare listen to the voicemails.

  “What?” He leaned over to see my phone.

  “Sadie called me.” The suspicion in my voice was clear. “I haven’t heard from her in a while.” I decided against listening to the voicemail and looked around the room, suddenly realizing that I didn’t have any clothes. Again. “Shit.” I mumbled.

  Troy laughed loudly and threw a pair of jeans and tee-shirt on the bed next to me. “I’m pretty sure these will fit.” He winked at me.

  To my surprise, the jeans fit well and while the shirt was large; it smelled like him so I was happy to wear it.

  The pancake breakfast was, as expected, boring. We left after a suitable amount of time spent mingling and making our kind look good for the rest of the supes. When we arrived back at the hotel, Autumn had texted us both requesting a meeting.

  The group was smaller than the night before, no vampires or demons.

  Autumn wasted no time getting down to business. “I held a meeting with the elders this morning.” She looked around the group before continuing. “The West Coast Magi will be brought up on many charges and likely imprisoned for their crimes. The book has been delivered and during that time, Sadie expressed her full plan to your father.” She motioned to me. “Which was a pleasant surprise, as your father has agreed to testify against her. That will prove most damaging since the elders are well aware of his allegiance to the West Coast Magi.”

  “That’s it?” I was a bit surprised at how quickly that went down.

  She nodded her head and smiled. “The “talents” we created in the fake book are mostly criminal in The Order. The elders won’t take kindly to Sadie having that in her possession.” She smiled slyly. “Sadie and her followers are being taken into custody as we speak.”

  I leaned into Troy and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank Gods that’s over.”

  Everyone turned to leave when Autumn stopped me. “Oh Echo,” she wore a slight smile on her lips, “there're visitors for you in the lobby.”

  Reluctantly, I grabbed Troy’s hand and drug him to the lobby. I stopped dead in my tracks at the site of Juno and my mom. I was still angry at my sister for ratting me out to my father, but I’ll admit, I was excited to see her. “What are you guys doing here?”

  They both ran up and hugged me. “We’re moving here!” Juno exclaimed.

  I’m sure the shock was clear in my face. “Moving here?” That was fast.

  I heard Autumn’s voice behind me. “Welcome ladies.” She pushed past me and gave my mom and sister a hug. “It’s so nice to have you.”

  Still confused, I turned to Autumn, only offering a puzzled look.

  Autumn laughed and put her hand on my shoulder. “All those in the West Coast Magi will be welcome in Coventon, so long as they vow to pledge their allegiance to The Order.”

  “Where’s daddy?” I know he had helped Autumn, but it wasn’t clear what would happen to him after. “Is he coming?”

  Juno nodded her head vigorously. “Oh, he’ll be here next week." Autumn pulled my mom off and left me, Juno, and Troy alone. “He’s tying up loose ends at home.” She quickly turned her attention to Troy. “How are you?”

  I was a bit surprised. “You two know each other?”

  Troy’s eyes narrowed. “Well,” he looked at Juno with suspicion, “yeah, we saw each other at Sadie’s all the time.”

  Juno’s smile grew wider. “Ah, come on sis,” she playfully punched my shoulder, “I know you don’t think I’m stupid, do you?” Her expression turned serious. “I know full well how to keep my friends close and my enemies closer. Plus, I wanted to get to know the man who stole my sister’s heart.”

  Troy chuckled. “Yeah, she got kind of annoying there for a while.” He winked at me and threw a glance her way. “Kind of like a little sister.”

  We all laughed, and my mother rejoined us. She leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I’m happy to see you.” She turned toward Troy. “You must be the man my youngest daughter can’t stop babbling about.” She extended her arm.

  Troy stood tall and leaned in, shaking her hand. “Yes ma’am, I’m Troy. Troy Cross.”

  My mother nodded and revealed a soft smile. “It’s very nice to meet you, Troy. I can’t wait to get to know you better.”

  Troy and I helped them get settled into their room. It wasn’t as nice as Troy’s penthouse, but it was comparable to the Presidential Suite. I learned Autumn was going to put them up at the hotel until they could find a place of their own. Daddy was staying back in California to get all of their affairs in order. I was surprised that they were uprooting their lives for The Order, but daddy had done weirder things over the years so I didn’t question it.

  Once they were settled, Troy and I politely excused ourselves for some alone time before dinner. I worried he wouldn’t want me anymore, knowing that he now had to meet my entire family and help me entertain them.

  “That’s pretty cool.” His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

  “What?” I wasn’t sure if I had missed him saying something more.

  “Your family.” He starred at me as if expecting me to understand.

  I shook my head, confused. “You think my family is cool?” That wasn’t something I expected.

  He laughed. “Where are you?” He stepped back to let me go first as we got off the elevator. “I think it’s cool that your family is moving here for you.”

  “For me?” I laughed and waved my finger. “No, they moved here for The Order.”

  He cocked his head and smiled softly, pulling me to him with both hands. “No, Echo,” he leaned in and kissed my neck, “they moved here for you.”

  It was a lovely notion, one I wasn’t interested in arguing the moment his lips touched my skin. I wanted to spend the afternoon lost in him, not them. I moaned softly and pushed my body against his. “Touch me.” I begged.

  A sly smile spread across his face. “Earn it.” His voice playful.

  I’m not sure why, but I loved it when Troy ordered me around. Something about him being in control drove me wild. It was as if it was the way things were supposed to be. I immediately dropped to my knees so that I could earn it. I look
ed up at him while I fumbled to unbutton and unzip his pants.

  He smiled down at me and let out a soft moan. “That’s a good way to earn it.” He whispered.

  I wrapped my mouth around his erection. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed himself deep down my throat. Wetness pooled between my legs. I loved it when he choked me. I moaned in approval and let my hands find their way to his balls. His body arched, and he choked me more. I wanted to feel him come in my mouth, but I wanted him inside me too. I sucked harder and faster, torturing myself in the process. My clit was rock hard, and I needed release, but he tasted so damn good. His moans grew louder, his breathing more shallow. And just when I decided I was going to convince him to take me to his bedroom, he exploded in my mouth. His juices were hot as they slid down my throat, turning me on more.

  I swallowed every drop before looking back up at him. “Did I earn it?”

  He nodded his head and pulled me up to standing. He hugged me tight before grabbing my hand and leading me into his bedroom. The thing I liked about Troy was that he satisfied me when we were in bed. Regardless of whether he had climaxed. It was possibly a contributing factor to my wanting him in control. He did it so well.

  “Take these off.” He ordered as he tugged on the jeans that hugged my hips tightly.

  I happily complied, holding his gaze the whole time. Once they were off, he lifted the oversize tee-shirt over my head, looking me up and down. “You are so beautiful.” He whispered.

  My body was on fire, eager for him to touch me. “Play with me.” I begged.

  He chuckled softly, lightly caressing my nipples. “Lay down.” He ordered.

  I did as I was told, spreading my legs slightly; a silent invitation. He nodded his head and moaned in approval. He moved his hands slowly up my thighs as his head lowered. I closed my eyes when his teeth bit into my clit and his fingers slipped inside my already soaked hole.

  “Yes!” I screamed, my body writhing in pleasure.

  He let out a deep moan, vibrating my clit as he did. I pushed myself downward, begging him to go deeper with his fingers. He moaned again and thrust them harder. My body quivered as my climax mounted. My muscles tightened around his fingers while I came, his teeth biting my clit harder. I hoped he was hard again because I was far from done.