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Forbidden Mage: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Untamed Hearts) Page 5
Forbidden Mage: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Untamed Hearts) Read online
Page 5
I let out a soft sigh. “We should probably start getting ready for the ball.” It seemed so insignificant considering the confession we just heard. “The Angels won’t give a damn about our drama and will make a case if we don’t show.”
Autumn clapped her hands together. “You’re right, Echo. We cannot risk drawing attention to ourselves over our internal problems.”
Troy cleared his throat. “There’s one more problem.”
We both turned and looked at him simultaneously. “Of course there is.” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Leonardo and Marcus know about me.” His eyes shifted to the floor again. “I overheard them talking. They intend to run me out of town and not tell any of you.”
“Is that the only reason you came clean?” The idea hurt me.
“No.” He shook his head and slumped down in the chair. “I told you because I can’t bear the thought of being without you.”
To my surprise, electricity surged through my body. “Oh.” I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and I could feel my face get hot. It wasn’t the response I had expected. He was sincere, there was no doubt in my mind about that.
“Echo,” authority in her voice, “let me speak with Troy alone please.” It was her High Priestess tone, the one you didn’t argue with. “And Echo,” she met my gaze, “keep this conversation to yourself for now.”
I nodded my head and stood to leave. When I walked past him, I had to fight the urge to touch his shoulder. Despite what he had done, I still wanted him. I don’t know how that was possible. The betrayal was seemingly unforgivable. But there was a part of me that knew I could overlook it; forgive it. But then there was the whole family rule thing. I couldn’t lose my sister. She needed me, or maybe I’m the one that needed her. Either way, I wasn’t willing to risk it.
Before making my way to Savannah’s room to get ready, I stopped at the front desk. Paul seemed flustered. A line formed in front of him.
“Do you need help?” I couldn’t help but laugh. For years I had dealt with the lines of patrons’ special events brought to our hotel. I wondered if I wore the same look of panic when I was just the front desk girl.
“No.” His voice irritated. “I’m fine.” He mumbled something about Mr. Grant.
My laughter echoed through the lobby. “Anytime you see Mr. Grant,” I patted his shoulder, “just call Savannah.”
I left him looking puzzled. Riding the elevator brought my thoughts back to Troy and our night together. He was the only man I had ever bedded that made sure they completely satisfied me before satisfying himself. I remember my mom telling me once that if you could find a man like that, you better hang on tight and never let go. I let out a giggle. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure my mom was mad at my father that day. Nevertheless, her words stuck with me.
When I stepped out of the elevator, Savannah was standing there tapping her foot impatiently. “What happened?”
I tried to play dumb. “What do you mean?” I furrowed my brow. “The front desk is crazy right now.”
She cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “I saw you storm back to Autumn’s office, Troy following close behind.”
“Oh.” I looked around, desperately trying to come up with a response. “Autumn said she would take care of it and that I’m not supposed to say anything.”
She put her hands on her hips and pierced her lips together. “You know Echo,” her tone cold, “you can be so strong and intuitive and then BAM, you’re a flakey twit again.”
Her words cut through me. “You can be such a bitch Savannah.” I fought back tears and stormed past her. It was time to get ready for the ball, regardless of hurt feelings.
“Look,” she came after me, “I’m sorry. You know Autumn will tell me anyway, so why not just tell me now?”
I shook my head. “We need to get ready for the ball.” It wasn’t a lie. Angels or not, they were light, and we were dark, so if we didn’t show, they’d start shit for sure.
“I helped you earlier.” Unmistakable anger in her tone. “You owe me an explanation.”
“But…” she cut me off.
“The fucking angels can wait.” Her eyes bore a hole through me.
Reluctantly, I told her the whole story.
Chapter 7
Her stare caused me to shift uncomfortably in the chair. “Autumn…”
She cut me off. “I already knew why you were here Troy.”
Her admission caught me by surprise. So much so that I couldn’t find words to respond.
“I was hoping no one else would find out.” She sighed heavily. “That it would’ve been just between you and me.”
We sat in silence for a moment. My mind raced. “Wait, you knew?”
“Clearly you and your clan underestimate me.” She wore an air of conceit when she said it.
“They aren’t my clan.” I responded dryly.
She smiled. “That may be true.” She stood and walked toward me. “I haven’t decided to believe you yet.” She leaned against the chair Echo was in moments ago. “I will say, you came clean much more quickly than I thought you would.” A laugh escaped her lips.
I didn’t know what to say. Fear rose in my chest. “What I’ve done is a crime in your order, is that correct?” It was easy to forget that she wasn’t just my cousin.
She cocked her head and smiled softly. “If they aren’t your clan, then this is your order too, Troy.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I was cast out, remember?” Bitterness resurfaced.
Her laughter filled the room. “Your father cannot cast you out without approval from The Order.” She shook her head and laughed harder. “Clearly your rebellion caused you to miss some important information.”
“Oh.” I fumbled with the bottom of my shirt like a schoolboy in the principal’s office. “I guess I missed that.”
Her smile grew bigger. “It’s okay, cousin,” she smacked my shoulder, “there is a way to fix all of this.”
Her statement surprised me. After all, she barely knew me. But I had heard stories she was easy to deal with. In fact, there was a lot of buzz on the West Coast of brothers and sisters wanting to rejoin their alliance with The Order of the Magi once Autumn was named High Priestess. When we were kids, she was always kind and caring. I had no reason to doubt her. Just my years of stewing and making her the bad guy too.
“First, let’s get you ready for the ball.” She clapped her hands and walked toward her phone.
I snapped my head toward her. “No way. You said nothing about me going to a ball.”
She laughed loudly. “It would be rude of you not to go.” Her tone stern. “The angels know you are family and will take to rumors if you’re not there.”
I shook my head vigorously. “Not going.”
Her eyes narrowed. “It’s the least you can do.” She reached over to her desk phone and called Leonardo into the office.
When he stepped in, he was clearly surprised to see me. He threw a glare my way before focusing his attention back to his wife. “How can I be of help, beautiful?” He found his way to her and planted his lips on hers.
Her lips lingered on his for a long moment before she answered. “Tonight, we are going to pretend that we don’t know Troy is here to deceive us.” She kissed him again, using it to her advantage. “I need you to help get him ready for the ball as I’m certain he has nothing to wear”
He wore a look of surprise but didn’t argue. “I’ll see what I can find.” His voice dry.
She kissed him again and whispered, “thank you.”
After we exited the office, Leonardo stopped cold and turned to me. “I don’t know how you convinced her to allow you to stay,” he poked my shoulder, “but I don’t trust you.”
I stifled a laugh and shook my head. “Man, it’s not like that.”
He glared harder. “I’m watching you.”
We were silent for the remaining trip to their penthouse. I wondered if E
cho would ever forgive me. I smiled at the thought of her. She made everything disappear.
“What are you smiling at?” Leonardo’s gruff voice interrupted my thoughts.
We were standing in the living room of their penthouse at this point. I heard the elevator ding.
“Where’s the traitor?” Marcus bellowed loudly as he exited.
Leonardo laughed loudly, and within moments we were all face to face. I wondered if they were going to take me out or if their loyalty to Autumn was stronger than their hatred for me.
“What the fuck, man?” Marcus was clearly not happy to see me.
Leonardo shrugged his shoulders. “Autumn knows and doesn’t want us to address it until after the ball.” He rolled his eyes and disappeared into his bedroom.
Marcus stood in front of me, glaring. “Why don’t you just leave?”
I ignored him, shifting my eyes to the floor. Normally I wouldn’t be so submissive, but I wasn’t so arrogant that I didn’t know when I was out-numbered.
“Here,” Leonardo hurried out of his room and threw a black suit at me, “this should fit.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled and made my way to the elevator.
When I got to my room to change, I could sense that I wasn’t alone. The smell of Echo’s perfume was prevalent in the air. “Echo?”
Male laughter reverberated through the room. “Hardly.”
I spun on my heel to find Quinn standing behind me. “What are you doing here?” I pretended to be annoyed rather than startled.
“’Sadie sent me to monitor you.” His smile coy. He was the only vampire on her payroll, as far as I knew, anyway. “I don’t think she trusts you.”
I shrugged my shoulders and threw the suit on the couch. “Whatever.”
“This is nice.” He nodded in approval as he looked around the penthouse. “Much better than the squaller we live in.”
“Man,” I was growing tired of playing games, “what do you want? I need to get ready to go to this fucking ball.”
He laughed again, louder this time. “Doesn’t it bother you?”
Unamused, I threw my hands up in the air. “What?”
He calmly sat on the couch, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Being everyone’s puppet.”
There was no point in arguing with him. After all, I wasn’t exactly doing what I wanted to be doing. “Isn’t that what you are?” I spat back at him.
He nodded his head. “Yeah, it is.” He stretched his arms out in front of him. “But I’m thinking this might be my last job.”
I shook my head and grabbed the suit off the couch. “You’ve said that before.” He was one of the few people I considered a friend. I didn’t dare tell anyone, though. My kind only tolerated vampires, not befriended.
He let out a heavy sigh. “Probably. But have you heard about the chic that runs the vamps out here?” A mischievous grin spread across his face. “I hear she’s got quite the harem.” He threw me a knowing wink.
My head fell back and a groan of annoyance escaped my lips. “Dude, no,” he always let his little head do the thinking, “she would never take you on.”
A look of hurt shadowed his eyes. “Why not?” He seemed genuinely surprised that I would say something like that.
I chuckled. “You’re dirty and you know it.” All the rumors I heard told me she wouldn’t be interested in a vampire who did mages dirty work.
A sly grin spread across his face. “I know.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You know what I mean.”
He leaned back and cocked his head. “If you can change, I can change.”
My eyes narrowed. “What makes you think I’m going to change?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he crossed his legs and threw me a knowing glance, “Echo.”
I shook my head, surprised by his comment. “I really need to get ready. They’ll come looking for me.”
“Yeah,” he stood, “I need to get ready too.”
I stopped and let my head fall. “You’re going too?”
“Well, duh!” His voice sang. “I can’t monitor you if I’m not where you are.” His laughter echoed through the penthouse, even after he had gone.
Irritated, I took a quick shower to calm my nerves. My mind was racing. It would be easy to simply disappear and start over somewhere else. Hell, I had done it once, I could do it again. But Quinn was right; Echo. I never wanted a woman the way I wanted her.
Once out of the shower, I threw on the suit. To my surprise, it fit well. I gelled my hair and then realized that I didn’t have a mask. It was a masquerade ball, after all. “Shit.” I mumbled to myself.
“What?” Her voice startled me. I was so completely lost in my thoughts that I let my guard down, unaware that I was not alone.
I spun around to find Echo sitting on my bed. “Gods Echo, you scared the hell out of me.”
She giggled softly. “Sorry.” She patted the bed next to her. “I know I should be mad at you, but I’m not.”
I’m not going to lie, I was happy to see her. “I’m glad you’re not.” I sat next to her and took her hand. “I need you Echo.” It was more than a sexual need; that I knew for sure.
She closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I can’t be with you, Troy.” Her voice full of sadness.
I pulled her to me. “But you want to be.” I found my way to her neck and kissed her. “Stop fighting it.”
She let out a soft moan and cocked her head to the side, as if inviting me to continue. “I don’t know what to do.”
I found my way to her lips and lingered. “If you really thought there was no way we could be together, why did you come to my room last night?” It was a valid question, one I hadn’t considered until just then.
She pulled back and sighed heavily. “My sister…” her voice trailed off.
I leaned in and found her lips again. “It doesn’t matter.” I regretted asking. “I’m glad you did.”
My hands found their way to her breasts while my tongue darted in and out of her mouth. Her nipples hardened under the silk of her dress. I let out a deep moan, eager to feel her again.
“Troy,” she attempted to push me away, “stop.”
I pulled her even closer and let one hand fall onto her thigh. I paused, “Why did you come here if you wanted me to stop?” I waited for her to respond, but she said nothing.
I smiled what I knew was a cocky smile and slid my hand under her skirt. Her thighs were like freshly spun silk, begging me to touch them.
A soft moan escaped her lips, and she spread her legs. “I can’t say no to you.” Her body went weak in my arms and I knew I’d won.
She was already wet by the time my fingers reached her hole and I easily slipped two fingers inside, causing her to cry out and push down. “Yes.” I whispered, my erection pulsating beneath my pants. “I need you, Echo.”
She quickly unzipped my pants and positioned herself on top of me. “Promise me you’ll change.” She lowered her wet hole to the tip of my cock. “Promise you never slept with my cousin.”
I thrust myself inside of her. “I promise.” She let out a loud moan, and I got lost inside of her.
Which is probably why I didn’t hear the ding of the elevator. I was not keeping in tune with my senses.
“Seriously Echo,” the light came on, “what the fuck are you doing?” Savannah stood at the door, her hands gripping both sides.
Echo dismounted me while I hurriedly covered myself up. “Doesn’t anyone around here call first?” I made no attempt at hiding my disdain.
Savannah glared at me, then turned her attention back to Echo. “We literally just talked about this.”
Echo hung her head and said nothing.
“Talked about what?” My chest tightened and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was all worth it. “I promised you and I meant it.”
Savannah scoffed loudly. “I’m pretty sure your promises don’t mean shit, cousin.”
Finally, Echo spoke. “Please l
eave Savannah.” She stood up and straightened her dress. “I know what I’m doing.”
Savannah shook her head and turned to leave, pausing before she exited. “I put a mask on the table for you Troy.” And with that, she was gone.
My attention turned back to Echo. “Why is everyone all up in the middle of your business?” There was no mistaking the annoyance in my tone.
She smiled softly and leaned over, kissing me on the head. “They care about me.” She shrugged her shoulders as she straightened up. “They just want to make sure I don’t get hurt.”
My eyes opened wide, and a burst of energy bolted through me. “Like a family would.” I nodded my head and stood. “This is your family, Echo,” I pulled her to me, “these are the people who matter, not the Hughes.”
Tears formed in the corner of her eyes and rather than respond, she lay her head on my chest and sobbed.
I held her tight and kissed her head, ready to sweep her away with me. “We can go somewhere and start over, just the two of us.”
She chuckled softly. “That sounds -” her phone rang and she let out a heavy sigh before answering it. “Hello?”
“I’m calling first this time.” There was no mistaking Savannah’s voice on the other end. “Get your butts down here, Autumn is ready to send up the troops.”
Echo hung up the phone and gazed into my eyes. “We should go.”
I sighed heavily and kissed her long on the lips. “Fine.” I had never been to a ball before. I didn’t know what I was in for.
Chapter 8
When we emerged from the elevator, the entire group was waiting; Autumn, Leonardo, Savannah, and Marcus. Troy was right. The Cross sisters had become my family. But it didn’t change the fact that I had a real sister and a real mom that I would lose if I chose him.
All eyes were on Troy, and only Autumn’s weren’t narrowed and glaring. “Sorry,” I mumbled, “I wanted to talk to Troy before we came down and lost track of time.”