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  • Forbidden Mage: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Untamed Hearts) Page 6

Forbidden Mage: An Enemies to Lovers Paranormal Romance (Untamed Hearts) Read online

Page 6

  “Talk.” Savanah mocked. “Sure, that’s what you were doing.”

  I furrowed my brow and puffed out my chest. “Yes,” her attitude was growing old.

  “We should get going.” Autumn interrupted as she made her way between me and Savannah. “The limo is waiting.”

  The ride to the Charity Ball was uncomfortably silent. All eyes were on Troy, glaring at him, looking him over, etc. Everyone in the car, even the driver, had something against him except me and Autumn. All I wanted was to fall into his arms and never leave.

  “Why do we have to go to this thing?” It was Troy who finally broke the silence.

  Laughter erupted from everyone, including me. “The Angels love their charities.” I shook my head. “If we don’t show up, the other clans will think something is wrong and freak out.”

  “That’s right,” Autumn took over, “the last thing we want to do is upset the underworld.” She looked out the window and sighed. “It would be an invitation into our situation and someone might just take it upon themselves to fix it for us.”

  “Oh.” Troy’s face fell, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. The car fell silent once again.

  It relieved me when we arrived at the ball. Getting everyone out of the car was going to be the best thing for Troy and me. I didn’t know how long it was going to take for them to get over their issues with him. Which reminded me that it took Savannah five years to get over her grudge against Marcus. “Ugh.” I sighed out loud.

  “You okay?” Troy whispered in my ear, pulling me close to him.

  “Mmm hmm.” I mumbled, almost inaudibly. His touch sent shock waves through me. I had concluded that once we were done here, we were going straight to my apartment, and I was going to have him all to myself for the rest of the night. It was Saturday, so there would be no need to wake up early the next day.

  “Isn’t that the vampire that came into the hotel earlier?” Autumn leaned in and whispered, pointing toward the entrance.

  I looked hard but couldn’t make out anyone’s identity, not with the damn masks on. “How can you tell?” Her confidence baffled me. Damn angels anyway. Why did it have to be a masquerade ball?

  With her shoulders back, head held high, she walked toward him and gently nodded her head toward me. “I’m sure it’s him.”

  “Where’s she going?” Troy wore a look of panic on his face.

  My gut twisted. Surely another secret he was keeping. “To confront the vampire.” I pointed toward the entrance. “Why do you look worried?”

  He closed his eyes and his head fell back. “Quinn is a friend of mine.”

  “Seriously?” I shook my head.

  He threw his hands up, “I didn’t know he was here until right before you came up to my room tonight.” His eyes were wide, and I realized he was telling the truth. “He’s here to monitor me.” He shrugged his shoulders and inhaled deeply.

  I ran toward Autumn so I could tell her what I knew but it was too late; she was already deep in conversation with the vampire.

  Quinn motioned toward us with his head. “Hey buddy!” His smile was unmistakable under his mask. Almost as if he were amused.

  Autumn turned to us and smiled, waving for us to join them. “I didn’t know you two were friends.” She looked between them. “In fact, I don’t know anyone of our kind that’s friends with a vampire.” She threw me a look of caution before turning her attention back to the men.

  It was odd that Troy was friends with a vampire. I studied him closely, wondering what other secrets he was hiding.

  “We go back a long way.” Troy glared at Quinn and bit his lip.

  “And we both work for Sadie Hughes.” The vampire’s admission caused me to let out a startled laugh. Even Autumn and Troy wore looks of shock on their face.

  “Shhh!” Autumn quickly glanced around her and pulled Quinn away from the entrance by his arm. “This is not the time or place to have such a discussion.”

  The vampire chuckled loudly and held Autumn’s gaze. “I don’t actually care.”

  Autumn nodded her head and tightened her grip on his arm. “Maybe you don’t, but I know someone who would.” She maintained eye contact. “Catalina would certainly have you killed if she were to discover your motive for being here.”

  A look of intrigue spread across the vampire’s face. “You know Catalina?” Not the response any of us were expecting.

  Well, except maybe Troy. He closed his eyes and shook his head when Quinn responded.

  Autumn scoffed and smiled coyly. “We will discuss this later.” She turned to find Leonardo and walked off.

  “Come on, man.” Troy waited until Autumn was out of earshot before he spoke. “Are you trying to get us killed?”

  “You really are friends?” I didn’t hide my agitation. “Why would you be friends with him?”

  The vampire threw his hand across his heart. “I’m hurt.”

  Troy laughed and took my hand. “He’s really not a bad guy.”

  I shook my head. “He’s a vampire.” I whispered harshly.

  Troy nodded his head. “And he’s had my back for as long as I’ve known him.” He squeezed my hand. “Please Echo, trust me on this. Quinn isn’t here to hurt anyone.”

  The vampire slapped my shoulder and laughed. “Well, according to your cousin I am.” He raised his eyebrows and then winked. “But what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Isn’t that right, buddy?” He nudged Troy on the shoulder and laughed louder.

  Troy put his head in his hands.

  “I don’t know what you two are up to, but I don’t like it.” I scanned the crowd for Autumn, but it was difficult to make anyone out with those damn masks.

  “Echo, please.” Troy shot Quinn a dirty look. “I promise he’s just here to make sure I do what I was sent here to do.”

  My eyes widened, and I threw my hands out. “But you’re saying he doesn’t actually care if you do what you’re supposed to do?”

  “Exactly!” He shouted, causing a few people around us to turn and look.

  I narrowed my eyes and looked back and forth between the men. “I don’t understand.”

  Quinn stepped between us and took my hand. “Look sweetheart,” I wanted to punch him, “your boy and I go back a long way. I follow his lead.” He shrugged his shoulders and let go of my hand. “As long as I get to meet the infamous Catalina, I’m good.”

  I looked to Troy. “Is he serious?”

  He nodded his head. “Unfortunately, yes.” A nervous laugh escaped his lips. “We’ve been through a lot together,” his eyes pleading, “I trust him with my life.”

  I wrinkled my head and frowned at him. “He’s a snake.” I didn’t care if Quinn heard me.

  Troy laughed and nodded his head. “He’s a bit of a ladies’ man,” he shrugged his shoulders, “vampires, whattaya gonna do?”

  I shook my head and dropped it. I don’t know why I wasn’t running for the hills. Maybe it was some sort of bad boy desire? I didn’t even know. All I knew was how Troy made me feel and when I was around him, all common sense went out the window. By this time, Quinn had disappeared into the crowd. Looking for Catalina, no doubt. I searched again for Autumn and Savannah but couldn’t find them.

  “How long do we have to stay?” Troy looked uncomfortable.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Until Autumn says we can leave.”

  He shook his head and grunted. “Of course.”

  “You don’t like her?” I was a bit surprised by the animosity in his voice.

  “No,” he stammered, “it’s not that. I just don’t like being told what to do.”

  I couldn’t hold back my laughter. “Ha! Funny coming from someone who is here under the direction of Sadie Hughes.”

  His eyes clouded over. “I offered to come.” He appeared to be getting angry. “It’s different.”

  I laughed louder and shook my head. “Oh, okay.” Sarcasm clear in my tone. I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Maybe you can of
fer to come for me later.”

  He pulled me to him, grabbing my ass. “Maybe I will.” His lips found mine, passion almost completely taking over.

  I could feel his manhood hardening on my leg. I wanted to get the hell out of there and finish what we’d started earlier that evening.

  “So it’s true.” The stern male voice came out of nowhere, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  I pulled away from Troy quickly and spun around. “Daddy?” My voice barely above a whisper.

  He wore a lion mask, so fitting for my father, always the one in charge. “You go behind my back and betray your family?” Anger filled his tone. “I had to see it for myself.” He puffed out his chest and looked Troy up and down.

  “Daddy,” I stammered, “I can explain.”

  He shook his head. “There’s no need.” He stood tall, taking up all the space in front of me. “Nothing can justify what you’ve done to this family.”

  I hung my head, wondering why I bothered to trust my sister. “Daddy.” I could think of nothing more to say.

  Without warning, he grabbed my arm. “You’re coming home with me.” He pulled me away. “You will beg for your cousin’s forgiveness and do whatever it takes to get back in the good graces of the West Coast Magi.”

  Troy grabbed my other arm. “Like hell she will.”

  I regained my composure, gathered my strength, and pulled away from both men. “Stop!” My voice loud over the crowd. “This is not the time nor the place.” My voice sounded strange, even to me. “I am not going anywhere.” It was more of a growl.

  I scanned the room for Autumn, only to see her hurrying toward us, a man in a wolf mask trailing close behind. I was certain he wasn’t a shifter, but the way he moved and the definition of his muscles were familiar to me.

  “Lover’s quarrel.” She exclaimed loudly to the onlookers as she approached. “Good thing Roman’s not here.” Her laughter rose above the crowd and most joined in with her.

  Heat rose up my neck, I was surely crimson. Most of the supes joked about my ongoing booty calls with Roman, so there was really no reason for me to be embarrassed. Except the fact that Autumn just joked about it in front of my father.

  In a much more gruff voice, she lowered her tone and addressed our circle. “Outside, now.” By this time, our entire group had gathered.

  “I don’t take orders from you.” Perpetual alpha my father.

  The men in our group moved forward, their body language threatening. “Daddy, please.” I begged.

  Once outside, Autumn took control. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Hughes.”

  He shook his head and took off his mask. “Sorry, I can’t say the same of you.” Once again, he grabbed my arm. “We’re going.”

  I pulled away, and Troy stepped in front of me. “She’s not going anywhere with you.” It felt kind of neat to have him protect me.

  My father only scoffed. “Does Sadie know what you’re doing here?” He looked around at our motley crew, mismatched with a vampire and the stranger in the wolf mask. “Does she know how you’ve betrayed us?”

  Autumn motioned at Leonardo and Marcus, who promptly grabbed my dad by the arms and shoved him in the limo that had pulled up behind us.

  I threw my hands up in the air. “You’re kidnapping my father!” I shook my head. “This will not go over well.”

  We all shuffled into the car at Autumn’s direction and headed toward the hotel in silence. The tension in the air brutal.

  Chapter 9


  I couldn’t help but think about how this was the most action I’d seen in my entire life as we all gathered in Autumn’s office. I’ll admit, it was exhilarating. There we were, The High Priestess of The Order of The Magi, her family, a vampire, a man in a wolf mask, and the father of Echo Hughes, cousin to the current leader of the rival West Coast Magi. A chuckle escaped me before I could stop it.

  “Do you find this amusing, Troy?” Autumn’s voice was stern and angry. “Because I’m pretty sure you’re the reason we’re all here.”

  “Actually,” Quinn started, “Sadie is the reason we’re all here.” His smile spread from ear to ear.

  Leonardo lunged forward, but Autumn stopped him.

  “Stop.” Echo’s voice came out of the shadows. She had been quiet the whole way back and had immediately positioned herself in the office's corner when we arrived. I was surprised to hear her speak and by the looks on everyone else’s face, they were too.

  “There are many things to be resolved here tonight.” She turned to her father. “We’ll start with you.”

  Face red, he tried to stand, but Marcus had a grip on his shoulder. “You do not speak to your father like this, young lady.”

  Echo took a deep breath. “I am in love with Troy Cross.” She maintained eye contact with her father. “If that means that I am cast out, then so be it. I did not move here to obey the very rules that caused me to leave.” She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “It will be your loss daddy and you will see the pain it causes our family.” She turned and surveyed the group.

  Mr. Hughes tried to stand, but again, Marcus pushed him down.

  Echo turned her attention to me. “You made this mess,” her eyes dark, her face stone, “what are you going to do to clean it up?”

  I looked at Autumn. Surely she had a plan. “I’m not sure yet.” All eyes were on me, but no one was talking. “I’m sure Quinn and I will come up with something.” I shrugged, trying to pretend it was something we did all the time.

  Quinn raised his eyebrows but kept smiling. “We always do.”

  Laughter erupted from the man in the wolf mask. “You idiots couldn’t pour water out of a boot.” It was Nigel, the demon.

  “Enough!” Echo’s voice carried an unfamiliar tone of authority, something, based on the looks on everyone’s face, no one was used to. “Exactly how are you expected to take down the Cross family?” She turned to me, her face still stone.

  I looked around the room and settled my attention on Autumn. “The plan was for me to come here, earn Autumn and Savannah’s trust, and infiltrate.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Oh and get the Book of Talents.”

  Echo shook her head and let out a heavy sigh. “Well, if that’s all there was to your plan, it wasn’t an excellent plan.”

  Her words cut and I’m certain my face showed it. “Obviously it was going to take some time.” I stood up straight and puffed out my chest to show my confidence. “I would eventually learn the secrets that would bring the Cross family down. And while I did that, Sadie would master all the talents.”

  Autumn let out a chuckle. “You realize there are no secrets, right?”

  I shrugged my shoulders but maintained my stance. “That may be, but they tasked me with finding them if there were.”

  “How quickly you’ve turned on your people, Mr. Cross.” Mr. Hughes turned to Echo. “This is the man you would ask me to break the rules for? A traitor?”

  “I’m not a traitor.” I spat at him, unable to contain my anger. “You know nothing about me.”

  “Daddy,” Echo interrupted, “why do you follow the West Coast Magi?” She knelt before him and put her hand on his knee. “Why did you break away from The Order?”

  He took a deep breath and shifted in the chair. “Ebony Cross.”

  The room fell uncomfortably silent for a moment. “What about her?” Savannah fired off.

  Laughter erupted from Mr. Hughes, bouncing off the walls. “She was crooked as hell.” He turned his attention to Autumn. “But you know that.”

  “Is that true Autumn?” I knew little about my grandmother because my father had always kept me at an arm’s length.

  Autumn sat in the chair at her desk and leaned back, her hands laced together. “Our grandmother was less than honest.”

  “Ha!” Clearly amused, Mr. Hughes chuckled. “That’s an understatement.” He surveyed the room. “You don’t seem to be much better, what, with your vampire and demon.” A
look of disgust took the place of his amusement. “You should be ashamed of yourself, High Priestess.”

  “I am not ashamed of utilizing my resources.” Autumn smiled softly and leaned forward. “I know that my grandmother did not represent The Order as most would have expected. In fact, she allowed a deceitful group of elders to rule and did nothing.” She nodded her head. “Yes, Mr. Hughes, I am aware of that. But I, sir, am not my grandmother.”

  “You don’t know how to run The Order.” Clearly Mr. Hughes was getting agitated. “They left you to figure it out on your own with no mentorship or guidance.” For a moment, sadness swept across his face. “Losing your parents at such a young age surely made everything more difficult for you.”

  His statement hit me hard. The pain that Autumn and Savannah must have suffered was unimaginable. And I wasn’t there to support them through it. “How do we take down the West Coast Magi once and for all?”

  A smile spread across Autumn’s face. “That’s what I was waiting for.” She nodded her head. “It’s time to bring everyone back to The Order.”

  “Ha!” Mr. Hughes scoffed. “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Daddy -” Echo started, but Autumn interrupted.

  “What would it take to convince you to come back, Mr. Hughes?” She cocked her head, a serious look on her face.

  He appeared surprised by her question and shook his head. “My loyalty remains with my family.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” I glanced at Echo, who was again standing in the corner. “Not all of your family.”

  Mr. Hughes shifted his eyes to the ground. I hit a nerve.

  “You have a new board of elders, is that correct?” It surprised me to hear the Demon Nigel interject.

  Autumn turned her attention to him, narrowed her eyes, and nodded. “Yes,” hesitation in her voice, “why?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Get them on board with taking down the West Coast.”

  “We could create a new Book of Talents.” Quinn chuckled. “I’m supposed to take it back once Troy has secured it.”